deconstructing scientology chris shelton

[VIDEO] Deconstructing Scientology: Introduction - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
Hey everyone. So this is a new video series I’m doing, focusing on this book, compiled and edited ...
[VIDEO] Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter One - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
This video continues my critical analysis of the book Scientology, edited by James R. Lewis with cha...
[VIDEO] Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter Two - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
Hey everyone. This video continues my critical analysis of the book Scientology, edited by James R. ...
[VIDEO] Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 3 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
Hey everybody, we are going to continue in this video to go through the book Scientology, edited by ...
[VIDEO] Deconstructing Scientology - Chapter 4 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
Today we are continuing my analysis of the book Scientology, edited by James R. Lewis with chapters ...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 5 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
Hey everyone. This video is a continuation of my ongoing series in deconstructing this book Scientol...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 6 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
This week I'm taking down "academic" James R. Lewis' nonsense about Scientology growth. It's pretty ...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 7 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
Here is the next chapter in taking apart the book Scientology by James R. Lewis. This week, chapter ...
Deconstructing Scientology - Chapter 8 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
A critical analysis of sociologist Regis Dericqueobourg's chapter from the book Scientology by James...
Deconstructing Scientology - Chapter 9 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
I'm taking on Scientology academic apologists by deconstructing the book Scientology by James R. Lew...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 10 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
My deconstruction of James R. Lewis' academic book on Scientology. This week it's Chapter 10, "Scien...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 11 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
The next chapter in my deconstruction of the book Scientology by James R. Lewis, this chapter by And...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 12 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
My deconstruction of the book Scientology edited by James R. Lewis, this week taking on Chapter 12 b...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 13 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
My take-down of pro-Scientology academics who do apologetics essays rather than objective work. This...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 14 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
My next video taking apart academic apologetics work about Scientology, this week covering James T. ...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 15 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
In this installment of my ongoing series on Scientology apologetics, I take apart Susan J. Palmer's ...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 16 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
My deconstruction of Bernadette Regal-Cillard's academic essay on Scientology's missionary work in E...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 17 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
A deconstruction of religious scholar Henrik Bogdan's essay about Scientology in Sweden, its history...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 18 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
A deconstruction of Chapter 18 of the book Scientology, edited by James R. Lewis, this one about Sci...
Let's Talk Xenu (Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 19) - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
An academic breakdown of the Scientology Xenu myth with commentary from ex-Scientologist Chris Shelt...
Deconstructing Scientology: Chapter 20 - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
This week it's my breakdown of academic Carol Cusack talking about celebrities in Scientology. There...
Deconstructing Scientology: Appendix - Chris Shelton - Critical Thinker at Large
The final chapter in my deconstruction of James R. Lewis' compendium of academic apologetics, this o...